Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Random thoughts and pictures

This is the view that we often see when we travel
out of our village. We have to cross the mountains!

You think your housework is tiring?
These women cook over a wood fire...so of course, they have to have wood.
Your commute to work gets icy?
Imagine this in the rain!
And remember, it rains an
average of 12 ft per year.
A few kids...
keeping their distance!
This was our first trip into this remote
village. We hope to return soon!

A mom and her kids, hiking back up
to their house. This is a path that we
take to visit our friend, Felicity.
Since my knee surgery last year, I
have to be careful when I visit.

See how the clouds settle down over the village?

This is a local construction site.
This ramp is how they get the
materials to the roof.

Open Their Eyes

Through the eyes of Levi...

We used to visit this house on occasion, and there were always eyes peeking at us through the slats. And you know what, my kids enjoy peeping through those slats too!
Smiling eyes of Ryan


       Now we are meeting in this home weekly, sharing the Good News, building relationships...

                ...and making memories that my kids will never forget.

Beautiful eyes of Ellie

My prayer for my children...
         and for the ZK people
...that God will open their eyes.

Bashful Matthew

"...to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light
 and from the dominion of Satan to God,
 that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance 
among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me."
Acts 26:18