Saturday, May 18, 2013

Little House in Pine Hill

We’ve debated over the necessity of a generator. Or is it just a luxury?

In the past 2 months that we’ve been renting our house in Pine Hill, we have lost electricity on average of once a week. Sometimes it’s for 4-5 hours, but most recently it was about 40 hours.

Overall, it’s not a huge problem. This morning the kids and I played board games and read books. It was lots of fun, once the kids stopped asking to play the Wii or watch a movie.
Interestingly, we’ve started reading the Little House on the Prairie books. The kids LOVE it. They beg me to read more! After reading about how Pa used a hollow tree to smoke the venison, Ryan suggested that we look for some hickory chips so we can smoke some meat in Daddy’s new charcoal grill! He even offered to be in charge of watching the fire and adding more chips when needed.

As we played games and read books together this morning, in the back of my mind I was wondering when the electricity would come back. We had heard that a transformer blew when someone was hooking up electricity to their house. It’s not uncommon for people to do it themselves, without the help of a professional. And therefore, it’s not uncommon to be without electricity.

My worries were not about how we would survive without tv or our microwave. It was about the frozen food in the freezer. Would it spoil before the lights came back on? The lights went out on Thursday…would we be waiting until Monday? Or longer? It’s Saturday. Will they send someone to fix it on the weekend?

 Suddenly, the lights began to flicker. The kids all let out a squeal of excitement! And then I realized just how worried I had been about our food. Instantly, I was filled with relief. And then I heard a gentle reminder, whispered in my ear. This morning, I had asked God to keep our food frozen until the lights came back on. God had answered that prayer!


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