Monday, July 1, 2013

Our Own Little Jungle

I often forget that I live in the rain forest. Life has become mostly “normal” for us, for which I am thankful. We know that we should carry an umbrella in the afternoon. And we know that the lights can go out at any moment…or that the water might not come back on for a few days.

 Recently I was looking at a science book with the kids and decided that we should make a terrarium with the jungle life in our backyard. So, with Daddy’s help, we grabbed a shovel and some plastic jars and headed to the backyard!

Matthew, getting the dirt ready!
Ellie, holding a lime plant.
Adding dirt...
Ryan, digging up a small plant.
Levi, adding a tiny amount of water.
Isn’t it amazing to be able to go in your backyard and find tiny lime trees? I learned something that day too…lime trees send out a lateral root which will sprout a whole new tree!
Now, to observe the growth of our little plants!

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